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By : Admin

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.

My name is Bagas Hidayat Putra, i'm from X-Technical Computering Engineering and Networking I want to share an article about "Impact of Information and Communication Technology In Education".



1.1. Background 
        Technological developments have made many remarkable progress.
 Many things from life sector that has used the existence of the technology itself. Presence has a considerable impact on the lives of human beings in various aspects and dimensions. Likewise with the communication technology is hardware equipment in the organizational structure that contains social value that enables individuals to collect, process and exchange information (in Rogers, 1986). Such a situation, in which a technology capable of changing something that may not be possible to be a reality. For example, if the first person can not talk to other people who are in a place that is far away, then after the phone people can talk without limits of time and distance. From here, beginning with the discovery of a variety of simple devices, ranging from phones, analog-based, developed and developing countries continue to emerge many other electronic devices. Until finally this technology integrate with one another. Existing communication technology is an answer from any of the times. This occurs because of growing human civilization developed a technology that will continue to experience growth pattern to align civilization itself. 
         The term information technology became popular in the late 70s.
 In the past the term information technology or computer technology called electronic data processing (electronic data processing). Information technology is defined as technology processing and dissemination of data using hardware (hardware) and software (software), computer, communications, and digital electronics. Information and communication technology is an important element in the life of the nation. The role of information technology in human activity at this time was so great. Information technology has become the main facility for the activities of the various sectors of life which contributed greatly to the change - a fundamental change in the operation and management of organizational structure, education, transportation, health and research. Therefore it is very important to increase the ability of the human resources (HR) ICT, ranging from skills and knowledge, planning, operation, maintenance and supervision, as well as increasing the ability of ICT leaders in government, education, corporate, SME (small and medium enterprises) and NGOs. So that in the end will produce output that is useful to humans as individuals themselves and for all sectors of life. 

 Problem Formulation 
1. What is the information and communication technology?  
2. What are the implications of IT and the internet?  
3. How information and communication technology in education?  
4. What is the impact in the field of education? 

1.3. Destination

The formulation of the problem that can be drawn from this discussion is: 
1. Outlines what is meant by information and communication technology  
2. Describe the implications of IT and the Internet  
3. Describes how information and communication technologies in education  
4. Describe the impact in the field of education 


 Information and Communication Technology 

Judging from the wording, information and communication technology is composed of 3 (three) each word has its own meaning.
 The first word, technology, means the development and application of tools, machines, materials and processes that help people complete the problem. The term technology is often portray discovery of new tools using the principles and processes of scientific discovery. Said second and third, information and communication, closely related to the data. 
      Means of information processing results, manipulation and organizing a group of data that gives the value of knowledge (knowledge) for its users.
 Communication is a process of delivering information (messages, ideas, ideas) from one party to another to enable the interplay between the two. In general, communication is done by using the words (verbal) that can be understood by both parties. If no verbal language that can be understood by both, communication can still be done non-verbally using body movements or showing certain attitudes, such as smiling, shaking his head, or a shrugged. 
      Many opinions which defines information and communication technologies with different languages.
 Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) defines information technology as technology development and application of computer and communications-based technologies for processing, presenting, managing data, and information. This definition includes the manufacture of hardware and computer components, computer software development and various computer-related services, along with communication equipment as well as manufacturing of components and services. According to the Oxford English Dictionary 2nd edition, is the definition of information technology hardware (hardware) and software (software), including networks and telecommunications are typically included in the context of a business or enterprise. The term information technology become a part of the operations of the electronic device that utilizes computer. 

2.2 Development of Communication Technology
            Current technology needs, both information technology and telecommunications are very high from the start of middle class and upper middle class.
 All individuals desperately need technology to accelerate the development or increase the development of both individual and group development. Technological development today is very fast communication technology, which presents a selection of forms of technology and sophistication. The development of the communication itself is actually in line with the life and existence of man himself. There are four major defining point in the history of human communication. According Nordenstreng and Varis (1973) are: 

1. Acquisition (aquisition) language that is at the same time with the birth of man.  
2. alongside the development of the art of writing based on speech communication. reproduction of the written word (written words) by using alt printer, so  
3. enable the realization of the actual mass communication.  
4. the advent of electronic communication, starting from the telegraph, telephone, radio, television, to satellite.  

     (Quoted from the Perspective of Communication Technology Background & Progress, Zulkarimein Nasution. 1989: page 15). Meanwhile, according to Alvin Toffler, there are three civilizations in the development of the technology itself, the agricultural age, the industrial age and the last time information (quoted from the Perspective of Communication Technology Background & Progress, Zulkarimein Nasution.1989: case 2). Previously just look back, that fact itself communication technologies have emerged since the Age Pre-History. Where at that time people have been able to use a form of communication. But its form, is still very simple. For example, limited forms of organ motion, the images as a language, the sounds of bones and so on. But even so, it has been considered as an appropriate form of communication at the time. 

     Subsequent developments have progressed a step a little better, for example, in a letter pictograf form of communication used by the Sumerians, hierogliph by the Ancient Egyptians. At that time both types of letters are also often used when a king gives a kind of regulatory rules for the people who will put in the middle of the city where the shape is like building the monument, known as Act-shaped memorial. Advancement of communication technology felt better after the invention of paper by the Chinese people made from Papyrus leaf fibers. This development even today is still used and very useful for mankind. Such as the paper used in printing newspapers or newspapers, magazines, books and so forth. 
      Furthermore the development of human knowledge, the communication technology is getting better.
 Starting with the invention of the steam engine by James Watt who is opening the Industrial Revolution, causing a variety of effects that trigger other technologies. One step that is truly extraordinary, which led to the discovery of one thing the emergence of various other things. Invention of the telephone which was found in 1876, is the development of communications technology with the application of the concept of using analog. This lasted until about the 1960s. And only then leads to a digital concept. 
      Then the subsequent development of the discovery of which is the use of facsimile communication by giving the data that can be passed through a media phone.
 So it is with the development of computers. The first computer ENIAC II is introduced. Used in 1946, after the second world war. This computer is an electronic circuit that has a tube light weight of 20 tons. With the beginning of this computer in the context of digital communications technologies evolved by leaps and bounds. Digital era itself came after the satellite was found and in the kinds of discoveries that have aktifkan.berbagai there is a little much to change the life style of the people themselves. 

 Implications of IT and Internet Education 

       IT and Internet history can not be separated from education. Internet in the United States began to grow from the academic environment (NSFNET), as told in the book "Nerds 2.0.1". Similarly, the Internet in Indonesia began to grow within the academic (in the UI and ITB), although it appears the exciting stories in the field of business. May need to be propagated stories about the benefits of the Internet for education. The existence of open Internet resources that had been inaccessible. Access to resources not being again.
      Library is one of expensive resources. (How many libraries in Indonesia, and how the quality is?.) The Internet allows a person in Indonesia to access the library in the United States. Mechanisms library access can be done by using a special program (typically using Z39.50 standard, such WAIS5), telnet application (such as the application hytelnet6) or via a web browser (Netscape and Internet Explorer). There have been many stories about the help the Internet in research, thesis. Exchange of information or the frequently asked questions by experts can be done via the Internet. Without the Internet many final project and thesis which may require more time to be resolved. Cooperation between experts and also with students who are physically far apart can be done more easily. Previously, a person had to wander or run away to see a specialist to discuss a problem. Currently this can be done from home by sending an email.
       Papers and research can be done with the exchange of data over the Internet, via email, or by using a mechanism Sharring file. Imagine if a student in Irian can discuss medical issues with a experts at leading universities in Java. students anywhere in Indonesia or lecturer can access the best experts in Indonesia and even in the world. Geographic boundaries is not an issue anymore. Sharring information is also needed in the field of research that studies are not repeated (reinvent the wheel). The results of research in universities and research institutes can be used together to speed up the process of development of science and technology.
Distance learning and the virtual university is a new application for the Internet. In fact no less than economists Peter Drucker said that "Triggered by the internet, continuing adult education may wll Become our greatest growth industry". (See Forbes magazine article May 15, 2000.) Virtual university scalable characteristics, which can provide education accessible to many people. If education is only done in a regular classroom, how many people can participate in a class? The number of participants may only be charged 50 people. Virtual university can be accessed by anyone, from anywhere. For Indonesia, the benefits already mentioned above can be a good reason to make the Internet as an educational infrastructure. To summarize the benefits of the Internet for education in Indonesia.

2.4. Communication Technology in Education

            Of the many new discoveries that turned out very broad impact for a human civilization in the  various areas of life, one of which is education. Development of technology and communication in the fields of education, development of technology and communication in education, According to Rosenberg (2001), with this development there are five shifts in the learning process, namely: (1) from training to performance, (2) from the classroom to the place where and at any time, (3) of the paper to "on line" or channel, (4) physical facilities to network facilities, (5) from time to time  cycle shifts the learning process changes from paper to "On-Line "to date has been its presence can be felt or seen as an educational institution to implement a computerized system. Many things as well as the benefits of its existence.
             Such as education  all activities are easily accessible via a computer network or the internet that is certainly the case thanks to the satellite which is operated, the student, student, teacher, lecturer or all citizens in the sphere of education are able to obtain all the information to be obtained . most recent example is the development of "Cyber ​​Teaching" or virtual teaching, the teaching process is carried out by using the internet.
Another term poluper today is e-learning is a model of learning by using media communication technology (internet). According to Rosenberg (2001: 28), e-learning is the use of Internet technology in the delivery of learning in a wide range with a foundation based on three criteria such as:
(1) E-learning is networked with the ability to update, store, distribute, and share materials or information,
2) Delivery up to the end users through a computer using standard Internet technology,
(3) Focusing on the most expansive view of learning behind traditional learning paradigms. Nowadays e-learning has evolved in a variety of ICT-based learning model as: CBT (Computer Based Training), CBI (Computer Based Instruction), Distance Learning, Distance Education, CLE (Cybernetic Learning Environment), Desktop Videoconferencing and so on. (Quoted from http :/ / puskom.man3malang.com/index.php? Com_conte option = t & task = view & id = 21 & Itemid = 26, Prof.. Dr.. H. Mohamad Surya).
         Another term that is more popular than the development of communication technology is the virtual system. In this case, the activity involving virtual community can be a thing that is more widely used in academic environments. It certainly can facilitate the effectiveness of a learning system, where the student or students can access educational materials in more detail rather than through direct interaction (face to face) with a teacher, tutor or lecturer concerned. For now, many other examples as above but beyond the scope of the school or college, for example, there is a kind of educational institution or course guidance tutoring using computer media (internet) to access the materials and exams as well as the test via the Internet. Surely this is a step forward in the context of education. In addition to the development of communication technology in education has touched the scope of learning systems in the academic field, actually have been encroaching on other aspects (although still within the scope of education). For example, with a computer, telephone, internet, photocopiers and all the devices of a communication technology itself can help work the administration or other parts. With a library of digital libraries in educational institutions, people can access books or literature quickly.

2.4. The impact on education 

2.4.1. Positive Impact
1. Changing role of the teacher or lecturer (teacher) and the student or students (learners) in learning. Changes in the role include:
a. A position that was once as a transmitter of knowledge, the main source of information, expert material, and the source of all answers, and then only as a learning facilitator, coach, collaborator, knowledge navigator, and learning partners.
b. Of controlling and directing all aspects of learning, be providing more alternatives and responsibility to each student in the learning process.
2. While the role of the student in learning has changed as follows:
a. From passive recipients of information to active participants in the learning process
b. Of revealed knowledge back to produce a variety of knowledge
c. Of learning as a learning individual with other students.
3. Accelerate a job
4. Students are able to access information, anywhere, anytime, and to anyone or

2.4.2. Negative Impact

1. Students become addicted to the virtual world of the existence of the excess.
This can happen when the students do not have skepticism and critical of something new. Especially in the context of the virtual world (internet). When they are struggling with internet aksik, actually indirectly they have entered in the free world over. Thus it is important to have both a vital attitude as a fortress and filter of all the available resources. Moreover, the attitude of attention from parents also play an important role in instilling values ​​and norms of a religion as a foundation.

2. Criminal acts (Cyber ​​Crime)

In the world of education, this can happen for example theft of important documents or assets of an undisclosed real educational settings (documents about the final exam or state) by using the internet. term, there is a person who breaks it. Technology can cause human power has no role in either the development of communication technology is increasingly rampant till this moment, a little more will ultimately impact on the reduction of human labor. This happens because human labor is no longer tremendously effective and efficient in producing something in a lot of capacity. When human labor is no longer used, it will automatically lead to many levels of unemployment. After that of course will increase the level of poverty. Of the poverty problem will then appear again unfavorable stability, because a lot of crime going on. It can be concluded that, the one thing that appears in one area will have an impact also on other areas. Interconnections between each other. Similarly, in the field of education.

3. Lead to apathy on each individual, both for students and teachers. This can be seen for example in the learning system and the virtual nature of e-learning. Where learning system that does not meet with the student teacher. Students who are less active in the learning system will be  indifferent to the task or the material, because they are not being watched by people (teachers) but they are only dealing with a computer.



Technology is now increasingly experiencing rapid growth in all aspects of human life.
 As well, when we talk about communication technology, it has also experienced growth.Whereas communication technology itself according to Rogers, 1986 is a hardware equipment in the organizational structure that contains social value that enables individuals to collect, process and exchange information. Of the former in the days primif still very simple form of communication, then growing and growing until finally comes the digital era as it is today. Of it is also explained that there are three kinds of civilizations according to Alvin Toffler namely, agricultural age, the industrial age and the last time information (quoted from the Perspective of Communication Technology Background & Progress, Zulkarimein Nasution). Communication technologies in education itself is now also experiencing extraordinary change where the presence of sophisticated communication technology has brought a lot of significant impact for the development of education itself. Can be seen in the development of such a nature that the learning system of e-learning, as well as other matters of a technical nature ie with the computer, then the education offices provide convenience in data collection and so forth. 
Over it all, the development of communication technology itself remains essentially carry a very wide range of effects, both positive and negative impacts. When the positive impact a bigger role, it will be very beneficial in life. Makes them a very easy job. Conversely, when the development of the communication technology more display negative impact, it will appear new problems such as cyber crime and so forth. For every user that has the technology to be critical and skeptical attitude toward communication technologies.


I hope this article can be useful for us to be more effective for using technology. I want to say sorry if there are mistakes about the article. Thank you very much.
Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.
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History of Computer Networking

By : Admin
The Internet is a computer network established by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969, through a project called ARPANET ARPA ( Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ) , where they demonstrated how the hardware and software are UNIX-based computers , we can make communication within the infinity through the telephone line . ARPANET project designing a network , reliability, how much information can be transferred , and finally all the standards that they set into the embryo development of new protocols that are now known as TCP / IP ( Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol ) .

The initial goal of the project is built for military purposes . At that time the United States Department of Defense ( U.S. Department of Defense ) create a system of distributed computer network by connecting the computer in areas vital to tackle the problem in case of a nuclear attack and to avoid centralized information , which in the event of war can easily be destroyed .

At first ARPANET only 4 sites linking only the Stanford Research Institute , University of California , Santa Barbara , University of Utah , where they form an integrated network in 1969, and in general the ARPANET was introduced in October 1972. Not long after the project is growing rapidly across the region , and all universities in the country wants to join , thus making it difficult to set the ARPANET .

Therefore ARPANET split widened two , namely " MILNET " for military purposes and the " ARPANET " new smaller for non - military purposes , such as universities . Combined both networks eventually known as the DARPA Internet , which then reduces to the Internet .

History of Computer Networks Global / World that began in 1969 when the U.S. Defense Department , U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) decided to conduct research on how to connect a computer to form an organic network . This research program known as the ARPANET . In 1970 , already more than 10 computers which successfully connected to each other so that they can communicate with each other and form a network .

In 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the e - mail program that he created a year ago to the ARPANET . E - mail program is so easy , it immediately became popular . In the same year , icon @ also introduced as an important symbol that shows the " at " or " on " . In 1973, the ARPANET computer network developed to expand outside the United States . Computer University College in London is the first computer that is outside the United States who are members of Arpanet network . In the same year , two computer experts that Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn presented a bigger idea , which became the forerunner of thought International Network ( Internet ) .

This idea was presented for the first time at the University of Sussex . The next was a historic day on March 26, 1976 , when the Queen of England managed to send an e - mail from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in Malvern . A year later , more than 100 computers on ARPANET joined to form a network or network .

In 1979 , Tom Truscott , Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin , creating the first newsgroups called USENET . 1981 France Telecom created a buzz by launching the first television telephone , where people can call each other while dealing with the video link .

Because computer networks that make up the daily increasing , we need a formal protocol that is recognized by all the networks . In 1982 established the Transmission Control Protocol or TCP and IP are now known to us all . Meanwhile in Europe appear counter computer network known as Eunet , which provides computer network services in the countries of the Netherlands , the UK , Denmark and Sweden . Eunet network providing e - mail and USENET newsgroups . To homogenize the address on an existing computer network , then in 1984 introduced the domain name system , which we are now familiar with DNS . Computer connected to the existing network has more than 1000 computers . In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network soared 10 -fold to 10,000 more .

1988, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland found which also introduces an IRC ( Internet Relay Chat ) . A year later , the number of interconnected computers soared 10-fold return in a year . No fewer than 100,000 computers at the time to form a network . 1990 is the year of the most historic , when Tim Berners Lee found the program editor and browser that can roam from one computer to another computer , which form a network . The program is called www , or the World Wide Web .

In 1992, the computers that are connected to form a network has exceeded a million computers , and in the same year the term surfing ( surf ) .

In 1994 , the virtual world websites has grown to 3,000 pages address , and for the first time in a virtual -shopping or e - retail appear on the site . The world changed . In the same year founded Yahoo! , which is also the year of birth as well as Netscape Navigator 1.0 .

Table Computer History :

Year 1957 Genesis Soviet Union ( now Russia ) launched a spacecraft , Sputnik . 1958 In the aftermath of the " defeat " the United States in launching spacecraft , formed an agency within the U.S. Department of Defense , Advanced Research Projects Agency ( ARPA ) , which seeks to enable the United States to improve the science and technology of the country. One aim is to computer technology . 1962 J.C.R. Licklider wrote a post about a vision in which computers can be connected to one another globally so that each computer is able to offer access to programs and data. In this year also the RAND Corporation began research on this idea ( a distributed computer network ) , which is intended for military purposes . The early 1960s on the theory of packet - switching can be implemented in the real world . The mid-1960s ARPA developed the ARPANET to promote " Cooperative Networking of Time - sharing Computers " , with only four host computers that can be connected up to 1969 , the Stanford Research Institute , University of California , Los Angeles , University of California , Santa Barbara , and the University of Utah . 1965 The term " Hypertext " issued by Ted Nelson . 1968 Network Tymnet made ​​. 1971 ARPANET network members increased to 23 computer nodes , consisting of computers belonging to U.S. government research and university . 1972 A working group called the International Network Working Group ( INWG ) were made to improve the computer and network technology also developed standards for computer networks , including the Internet is . The first speaker of this organization is Vint Cerf , known as the " Father of the Internet " 1972-1974 Several commercial database services such as Dialog , SDC Orbit , Lexis , The New York Times DataBank , and others , register themselves to the ARPANET network through dial - ups . 1973 ARPANET outside the United States : This year , members of the ARPANET grew again with the inclusion of several universities in the United States outside the University College of London of England and the Royal Radar Establishment in Norway . 1974 Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn publish detailed specifications of protocols Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) in the article " A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection " . 1974 Bolt , Beranet & Newman ( BBN ) , pontraktor for ARPANET , opened a commercial version of ARPANET which they refer to as Telenet , which is the first public packet data service . Already in 1977 there were 111 pieces of computers that have been connected to the ARPANET . 1978 Protocol TCP split into two parts , namely the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol ( TCP / IP ) . 1979 Usenet discussion groups was made by Tom Truscott , Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin , a graduate of Duke University and the University of North Carolina United States . After that , use Usenet also increased drastically .

In this same year , emoticon proposed by Kevin McKenzie .

Early 1980s personal computer ( PC ) epidemic , and become a part of many human lives .

This year recorded the ARPANET has a membership of up to 213 hosts connected .

Services BITNET ( Because It 's Time Network ) starts , by providing e - mail services , mailing lists , and File Transfer Protocol ( FTP ) .

CSNET ( Computer Science Network ) was established this year by scientists and experts in the field of computer science from Purdue University , University of Washington , RAND Corporation , and BBN , with support from the National Science Foundation ( NSF ) . This network provides e - mail services and some other services to scientists without having to access the ARPANET .

1982 The term "Internet " was first used , and TCP / IP was adopted as a universal protocol for such networks .

Name servers began to be developed , allowing users to connect to a host without having to know the absolute path to the host .

This year there were over 1000 pieces belonging to an Internet host .

Introduced in 1986 the domain name system , which is now known as DNS ( Domain Name System ) that serves to uniform naming system on the computer network address 

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History of SMKN 1 Cibinong

By : Admin

SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong established on July 17, 1999 with the name of SMK 2 Cibinong , but based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education . 217/0/2000 , changed its name to SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong . Construction of SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong LOAN funds sourced from OECF ( Assistance from Japan ) . SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong stands on an area of ​​17,440 m2 , and building area of ​​9000 m2 .
On February 17, 2000, the SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong building located at Jalan Karadenan No. . 7 Cibinong Bogor Bogor regent was inaugurated by Mr. North Agus Efendi . With three membership program at the time the Commercial Computer Science , Mechanical Engineering Automotive and Engineering Timber .
In 2001 , SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong got help in the form of classroom 4 (four ) rooms of Bogor district government , and Alhamdulillah in 2003 received more help from the government in the form of classroom Bogor District 2 (two ) room . So that each of SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong gets a small two room theory to meet local teaching and learning process .
Along with the development of the current curriculum ( curriculum 2004) , current SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong consists of six courses of expertise that Software Engineering , Computer Network Engineering , Multi Media , Engineering Machining , Automotive Engineering , and Construction Engineering Wood .
In 2008 with the enactment of curriculum changes that spectrum competency skills competency skills program turn into expertise , as well as competency skills in SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong a Technology and Engineering Group consisting of :
1 . Expertise Information and Communication Technology Skills Program kompeter Engineering and Information Skills Competency Software Engineering , Multimedia Skills Competency , Competency Skills Computer Engineering and Networks .
2 . Expertise Technology and Engineering Program Mechanical Engineering Machining Skills Competency
3 . Technology and Engineering Expertise Engineering Expertise Program Competency Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering Expertise
4 . Expertise and Engineering Technology Program Technical Expertise Skill Competency Building Construction Timber
In 2009 again increased competency skills of the Architecture Engineering , which is located in Building Engineering Program Kelahlian , so all skill competencies to 7 ( seven ) .
In 2008 SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong established by the Directorate of Elementary and Secondary Education Management as an international school ( RSBI ) , followed by the issuance of a decision by the Director of Vocational School Number : 4294/C5.3/Kep/KU/2009 .
One of the requirements of the CMS must implement RSBI is ISO 9001:2008 , Alhamdulillah SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong has obtained the ISO 9001:2008 certificate in 2009 and implement the program in their daily operations .
Since SMKN 1 Cibinong standing from 1999 , has undergone a change in leadership ( Principal ) , namely :
1 . 1999 s / d 2001 led by Drs . Zakaria
2 . 2001 was led by Drs . AEP Isar Ina Soemantri
3 . 2001 (June ) s / d in 2005 led by Drs . Herry Syahriban , MM
4 . 2005 ( December) s / d is now led by Syukur Heryasumirat , S.Pd
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Computer Engineering and Networking

By : Admin
Computer engineering and networking expertise is one of the programs in the study SMK1 Cibinong hardware / software computer network (LAN), and network administration

Achievements Of TKJ SMKN 1 Cibinong

Champion 2 LKS province of West Java in 2009
1st LKS West Java province in 2010
1st national champion in 2011
2nd LKS West Java province in 2011
1st District level PC assembling Bogor City
3rd Place assemble PC Bogor regency level
Details About TKJ

Computer Engineering and Networks ( TKJ ) is a membership program that aims to equip learners with the skills , knowledge , and attitudes to be competent in assembling , installing programs , maintain and repair computers and networks .

TKJ students ( though not completed ) is able to work as a computer technician and network administrator at store / service computer , office , hotel , bank or ISP at local ( national ) and abroad .
TKJ is a program of new skills at vocational schools ( SMK ) , either State or private since 2004 . Naturally, if people have not much to know / understand . Although new , TKJ SMK students recognized by the world's ability to work .

Since the publication of the government's policy that the vocational school ( first SMEA , STM , SMKK , etc. ) changed its name to SMK , SMK consequences that each has the same authority to open majors ( areas of expertise ) / study program ( skills programs ) or more popular with new terms re - engineering .

Program that is not a lot of skills needed by the business / industry will slowly closed and opened a new skills program as needed workforce . Thus there is no difference between the former SMK SMEA , STM , or other SMKK . Each CMS can open a program that used to exist only in other vocational schools . As an example of the former SMK SMEA be open majors ( bid. expertise ) techniques such as TKJ , multimedia , electrical , etc. . Instead SMK former STM should open culinary , fashion or beauty .

SMK usually have a vision and mission to achieve learning goals .


Realising professionals in engineering and computer networks , which have the advantage of local and able to compete in the global marketplace .


* Conducting quality learning with excellent service
* Implement certification both national and international levels
* Working with the business and industry practices in the implementation and uptake of graduates
* Creating and finding employment opportunities
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